Pride month at Glovo – The importance of coming out

Víctor Enciso, Piergiorgio d'Onofrio June 14, 2023 · 4 min

From boosting your mental health to creating inclusive workplaces, coming out has the power to transform lives. Get ready to wave your rainbow flags high as we dive into the rainbow ride that is coming out and get into tips for fostering an environment of belonging.


Authenticity is Empowering


Unleash your inner rainbow! Coming out is not just about revealing your sexual orientation or gender identity – it’s about embracing your authentic self, and creating a more inclusive society. Imagine this: you have the freedom and power that comes from living unapologetically as your true self . When you embrace your true colors, you’ll experience a boost in confidence and a sense of liberation that has the power to positively impact your mental health and overall well-being. 

Pride month 2022


At Glovo we believe that having diverse backgrounds and perspectives adds incredible value to our teams, our products, and our culture. Fostering an inclusive environment makes it easier for everyone to feel like they can bring their authentic selves to work everyday, and not feel judged about who they are.


When you come out, you challenge societal norms and break down barriers. By living authentically, you shatter stereotypes and pave the way for acceptance and understanding. Your courageous act of embracing you as YOU can inspire countless others who are navigating their own journeys. Together, we can celebrate the beautiful spectrum of human diversity and by educating ourselves, we can break biases and societal expectations. 


Fostering an Inclusive Workplace


Get ready to work in a rainbow-tastic environment! Inclusivity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the key to a thriving workplace. Companies that prioritize diversity and create an inclusive culture are more likely to attract top talent, foster innovation and collaboration. 


Picture a workplace where everyone feels comfortable bringing their true selves to work, where different perspectives are valued, and where creativity knows no bounds, where the sense of belonging is a reality that everyone makes intentional efforts towards it. Could be difficult to imagine but, by implementing actions and processes, the reality can shift. 


Implementing Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) is one important step that drives change and holds everyone accountable for their actions towards inclusivity. In the case of Glovo, for the LGBTQAI+ community, we have the Uniqorns group  whose purpose is to make everyone at Glovo feel welcome, safe and valued. Together, we work to strengthen inclusion by raising awareness globally. 

Having groups like this supports the organization because members act as consultants on important topics and it gives employees a chance to share their experiences, raise their voices, and make an impact beyond their scope. 


The Uniqorns have an important role when positioning Glovo for relevant happenings, organizing awareness events, creating awareness for the usage of pronouns, onboarding and training for newbies and managers on inclusivity, supporting the company to adapt to local legislations, and more. 

HIV awareness session 2022


Allies paving the way 


You’re never alone on this rainbow journey! Allies and support systems play a vital role in creating a safe and nurturing environment for everyone. Allies, whether they’re your colleagues, friends, or family, can provide the support and understanding you need as you navigate the coming-out process. They help others understand the importance of equality, fairness, acceptance, and mutual respect, acting as promoters of the community’s rights. Building a network of love and acceptance, where allies stand shoulder to shoulder with the LGBTQAI+ community, amplifying their voices and advocating for equal rights contributes to creating a workplace where everyone feels valued, celebrated, and accepted.

Pride month 2022


Unleash your vibrant true colors this Pride Month and beyond! Coming out is about embracing authenticity, fostering inclusivity, breaking barriers, and building strong support networks. Stand with us as we celebrate diversity and create a workplace where everyone can shine. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter and more accepting world for all. Happy Pride Month!