Abilities @ Glovo

Eloi Barti, Lotus Smits, Simone Vargas January 24, 2023 · 4 min

Our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are a powerful tool for promoting inclusion and diversity within Glovo. The ERG “Abilities @ Glovo” provides a space for employees with disabilities – and allies – to connect, advocate for change, create awareness and serve as a valuable partner for feedback on how to better support and accommodate the community. Keep reading to learn how they are positively impacting the creation of a more inclusive and equitable workplace. 


An employee resource group (ERG) is a voluntary group of employees from within an organization who coordinate activities in order to create equal opportunity and an inclusive environment for historically excluded groups. Our ERGs are central to our DIB strategy. They are the voice of historically underrepresented groups and create a support mechanism by holding the company accountable for positive progress in the right direction.

At Glovo there are 4 different ERGs, all focused on driving change for different communities, including: Women, LGBTQ+, diverse racial & ethnic backgrounds, and disabilities. In addition to the day-to-day activities of each group, we also host global initiatives – such as the Abilities Week – where we dedicate our time to increase awareness and educate our peers about important topics that foster reflections.

Abilities @ Glovo: The Employee Resource Group that is driving change and fostering Inclusion within our organization

Abilities @ Glovo was created to make Glovo more accessible to all by promoting disability awareness and leading initiatives that address accessibility issues

We are constantly striving to promote a safe space for our employees with disabilities and their allies. We believe that each of us has the ability to be a valuable partner in determining how to best support diverse communities.  


“I would say that for me it’s important to bring out the best in each person on my team, and with these conversations, as a manager and as a company we can set up our teams for success. Without awareness regarding diverse abilities, we would be missing top talent.” – Maria Gomez, People Partner


Our mission is to continuously think about effective ways to promote inclusion and ensure everyone feels they have a voice, making sure Glovo provides the support they need to succeed in their careers. Since the community suffers from lower employment rates compared to people without disabilities we know that is important to drive change within our industry.


Our community is also truly obsessed with the accessibility of our App as we consistently reflect upon the best solutions to ensure we are covering the entire lifecycle of our product: from user research to product design and engineering. 

By developing global and local initiatives such as workshops & talks, both inside and outside of our community, we hope to encourage all to join us on this journey.


Elevating abilities voices: Abilities week



As members of Abilities, we are deeply committed to taking the conversation and action to the next level. By hosting the global Abilities week, we aim to dedicate one week to increasing awareness towards disabilities, shining a light on the challenges that our community faces.

During this week, we share educational content focusing on increasing our colleagues´ inclusive lens and by organizing activities so team members can expose themselves to different reflections on challenges of the community, helping to nurture allyship. 

We will be hosting a roundtable discussion with members from our Abilities ERG and leadership team, to reflect on disability topics from various perspectives and discuss potential initiatives, policies that will help ensure everyone feels heard. 

We count on a powerful team to drive the conversation including: 

Eloi Barti (Chair of Abilities), Edu Ros (CFO and Executive Sponsor of Abilities), Lotus Smits (Head of Diversity and Inclusion), Belen Claverie (Jr. Payroll Analyst and colleague with diverse ability), Samuel Baena (Software Engineer and strong ally) and Maria Gomez (People Partner and manager of a team member with diverse ability). 


From Awareness to continuous action 

One awareness week is not enough to drive real change. This kind of event is crucial to invite all colleagues into the Diversity & Inclusion conversation and increase knowledge, making everyone at Glovo understand how they – with day-to-day actions – can be at the forefront of the change we need to drive in our internal ecosystem and the world.

So a question we asked ourselves is: how do we equip everyone with a DIB lens so continuous action is happening? 

We started 2023 achieving a huge milestone, welcoming 9 new members to our ERG steering committee who are engaged and committed to driving change inside and outside of Glovo. Additionally, a tech team that will provide support to the committee was introduced. They are motivated and committed to improving the accessibility of our customer app for our blind users.

“Even though the challenges are not small, we are confident that we are moving in the right direction to perform our role as a cultural and inclusive crucial pillar of our company and community.” Lotus Smits, Head of Diversity, Inclusion & Culture.

Learn more about disabilities topics at World Health Organization